Human life begins at fertilization, which is the male's sperm meets a female's egg. This is far from a religious belief; rather, it is a scientific fact found in countless biology textbooks and scientific journals. A new human begins to grow rapidly, and they already have their own genetic code, unique from his or her parents. He or she has a distinct eye color, hair color and personality.
Learn more about life in the womb and human development:
This video was reviewed and certified by leading OBGYNs and medical professionals:
Dr. David Bolender, PhD, Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Donna Harrison (AAPLOG)
Dr. Tara Sander Lee (Charlotte Lozier)
Dr Katrina Furth (Charlotte Lozier)
Michelle Cretella, MD, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians
Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA, (Ethics) Senior VP Bioethics and Public Policy